Here & Now Recordings independent record label based in Woking, UK, releasing music by grammy nominated and hit artists

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Throwback. Charlie Clouser - Creative Cribs

American Horror Story soundtrack composer and Nine In Nails keyboardist Charlie Clouser escorts us round his studio. Warning synth porn !

Tech company, Spitfire Audio, make the finest virtual instruments on the planet. Wonderful sonic tools for filmscore composers. As part of their You Tube series Creative Cribs, Spitfire Audio head honcho Christian Henson gets a guided tour of some Aladdin's Cave of studios. Charlie Clouser’s features “old favourites such as the Prophet VS and th Oberheim Expander”. Clouser worked on ten Nine Inch Nails albums. Here & Now Recordings artist Sinclair 808 has worked with Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails numerous time too.